Three Ways to Brew Iced Tea

Hot Brew and Chill:  

Makes a strong tea fairly quickly  

1.   Pour desired tea flavor in the tea bag and place in the jar. Add hot water to the 4 cup line.  

2.   Steep for 3-5 minutes  

1.   Remove tea bag and let the tea cool for 5-10 minutes  

2.   Fill the jar the rest of the way with cold water, cover, and refrigerate (at least 2 hours is best) or add ice and serve right away. Add more or less cold water to adjust the strength of your tea.  

Cold Brew:  

Softer flavor with less tannin  

1.   Pour desired tea flavor in the tea bag and place in the jar, fill with cool to room temperature water.   

1.   Cover the jar and refrigerate for 8-12 hours. Longer brewing time will make a stronger tea.  

2.   Remove the tea bag and serve  

Sun Tea:  

Similar to cold brew in flavor but a little faster  

1.   Pour desired tea flavor in the tea bag and place in the jar, fill with cool to room temperature water.   

1.   Cover the jar and set outside or in a sunny window for no more than 4 hours.  

2.   Remove the tea bag and serve immediately.  

NOTE: sun tea is best if consumed same-day